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Friday, March 1, 2013

Catch Up

We've been sooooooooooo busy recently mainly because we have been moving house.
The travelling from Aveley everyday has been not very pleasant. To be finishing up between 9.30 & 10pm most nights then driving for half an hour home ain't fun, particularly along the Gnangara Road, which is in the top three most dangerous roads in WA. Never mind the lunatic drivers, its a kangaroo hot spot and most mornings there are dead kangaroo carcasses all over the place.
So we are now living at 26 Waterview Drive, Woodvale, Perth WA 6026, about 4 minutes from the shop and about 8 minutes from the beach, heaven. Was very sad to leave Pirianda Way really loved the home and will miss the pool but we do have a spa here so not all bad.
There have been some very bad bush fires this week, over by where we used to live, some of The Vines Resort areas have been very badly burnt and there has been a major fire about 5km east of that that is still burning. Thankfully no one has been injured or killed.
This is us.
Outdoor Spa
Patio area
View from the first floor bedroom/ balcony. There are hundreds of kangaroos in this reserve.

View from the front porch.
Peter has been keeping up his surf life saving and swimming. He was at the school swimming carnival this week and performed admirably with a 2nd in the crawl, 3rd in the breast stroke and 2nd in the butterfly.
I have to say that the girl swimmers are far better than the boys. Some of the girls technics are just brilliant, I have never seen swimmers that can move so fast with minimum effort.

Some rare footage of Peter exercising!

R&R time after surf life saving class with his pal.

Watch out for the sharks


One of the crowd!!!!

In full flow

2nd again.
There was a surf life saving carnival at Scarboro Beach recently. None of the ocean events happenned as there were at least 3 great whites just off shore and the shark alert alarm was continually sounding for about an hour!!!
Niamh is still doing the horsey stuff, Our Wend has started to to go to the gym again and I've managed a few rounds of golf recently. Played at Lake Karrinyup with JP on Tuesday, only 13 holes as it was 40 degrees. There are one or two hills at LKCC which I gotta say nearly killed me, as we were walking and I was PULLING a trolley. The beerS afterwards really saved me! Cheers JP!
The Skerritts in Oz