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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kakadu National Park

Two and a half hours south east is the biggest national park in Australia, Kakadu. Occupying an area of 190,000km2, the same size as The Netherlands.
We were picked up from the hotel at 6.15am and as seems usual, the first stop, two and a half hours later is the services!!

How many of these have you seen above the food counter in a Granada?

Or these in the car park at Watford Gap?

Or one of these at Hilton Park eh?

This guy only popped
 in 15 years ago for a coffee!

Aboriginal Rock Art, not quite sure I get it. All have a story attached to them.

Its called graffiti anywhere else in the world!

 Story is far too long!! But I can tell you it has nothing to do with his todger!!

Neither is this one. Have you noticed how little detail there is but they always draw the genitalia?

This is what we came for.

Your transport awaits

 So many Sea Eagles at this place, it was incredible
Whistling Ducks. They don't quack, hate the water and don't swim, not sure why they are called ducks! Other than they look like ducks.
Bloody hell!!

Bloody bloody hell!!
We watched tis guy for about 15 mins, he never moved a muscle.
There are about 140,000 of these in The Northern Territory. They suggest you even check your swimming pool at home before getting in!!! Bloody hell.
 These are just fantastic

Got back to the hotel at 8.15pm!! 14hours on the coach, only 5 of it off it. It was well worth, if a bit scary, just to see the 'salties'or the 'Ginga's (its what the Aussies call the crocs) in their natural habitat.

The Skerritts in Oz.


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